Fuertes rumores merodean por las redacciones de los medios de prensa colombianos y cuentan de un romance entre el actor peruano Christian Meier y la hija del Puma Rodríguez, Génesis, con quien comparte roles en la telenovela "Doña Bárbara".
"Los han visto muy acarameladitos", "Hay mucha química entre amos", apuntan los medios colombianos.
3 comentarios:
Well for crying outloud !
What Marisela`s fans fear not to see happen in the telenova
Dona Barbrara is actually happening in real life ??? That is beyond frontier ! Quite unreal !
Suggest GR in next tvnovela El Clon
with CM, as the young arab Jade 20 to transform to 40yo woman when later she meets the clone( younger version of her older lover)
-She played 2 transformations=DC,DB
-She is the new nuevo of CMeir ?
-she would look great as Arab, unless they are looking for arab berber with green eyes (but green lenses exist & has olive skin)
- Good storyline, & will travel to exhotic Morocco -the Sahara desert- dunes, camels, horses, Atlas mountains, Marrakech remparts or berber Ourika Valley,or Tangiers! Jelabas & souks,costumes & hennaed hands! Photography & Nature great!
lol imagine they're toqether en el clon . wow awesomee ! they do make a cute couple though =] but for some reason i think its fake idk why . but you never know. Te amo christian meier ! =] ♥
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